Malls are America
Before online shopping there were these things called malls. Malls had a bunch of stores in the same location so you could do all your shopping in one place. Then you might just happen to stop by the food court or see a movie while you were there. Malls were adored by kids and grown ups alike. Those were the days.
What follows is an exercise in historical preservation.
Remember those map kiosks that malls had with visual directories of all the shops and eateries? You're going to recreate that map from memory for the childhood mall you remember the best. What were your favorite stores? Where was the food court? Did your mall also have an Orange Julius? These are the important questions. It’s important to get this stuff down before we forget that malls ever existed.
Scroll down if you want to see my recollection of the Northgate 2 mall in San Rafael, California, circa 1994. See you at Sbarro.