Hometown heroics
This week’s exercise is inspired by the unveiling of the new official logo for the city of Los Angeles—which just so happens to be my hometown.
As you can imagine, there are just as many opinions on this new logo as there are opinions on the city of L.A. itself. I have plenty of thoughts on both subjects, but that’s not why we’re here.
Your task for today is to draw a logo for the place you grew up. And while you’re at it, pretend you’re in charge of tourism for said place and write a tagline that will inspire people from elsewhere to fantasize about their next vacation.
This week marks 35 weeks of Lovely Madness. We plan to continue sending out weekly prompts until we reach 50 exercises. At that point, we’re going to take a step back and decide what’s next. So if you were thinking about sharing with your friends or colleagues, now is the time!