Of course you know these birds
Ah, you’re just the person I wanted to speak with. You studied ornithology at university, right? No, no, I remember, you started birding after getting binoculars for your birthday. Anyhow. The local neighborhood watch has tasked with me identifying six birds that have been caught repeatedly defecating on cars. Normally I’d just Google “Funny blue bird long yellow legs” but I spilled oolong tea on my router and the new one doesn’t arrive until Monday. Could you be a pal and identify these birds for me? I couldn’t identify a pigeon to save my life. You could literally invent names for them and I’d have no idea.
Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Really.
Keep scrolling to learn their true identities…
Peacock Inferiority Complex (Purple Gallinule)
Groucho Lark (Horned Lark)
RGB Triple Crown (Painted Bunting)
Canadian Guard Owl (Great Grey Owl)
Doritos Falcon (White-tailed Kite)
Western Ratwing (California Gull)