Armchair Astrologer
Today’s exercise is inspired by our very own Caro McDermott.
In light of the super lunar eclipse from earlier this week, and Mercury’s impending retrograde, we’re all going to become astrologers for the day.
Part I:
You, innovative astrologer and antiquarian that you are, have uncovered a previously unknown sun sign in an ancient manuscript. You get to name this sign, develop a symbol for it, and outline its notable traits, including strengths and weaknesses.
Part II:
Write this week’s horoscope for your newly discovered sign. You don’t need to know anything about astrology (in fact, it just might be better if you don’t). If you need some help, here’s a set of words you can try to incorporate:
Air sign
7th House
Draw a diagram of the sky-situation your horoscope describes.
This week marks 30 weeks of Lovely Madness. We plan to continue sending out weekly prompts until we reach 50 exercises. At that point, we’re going to take a step back and decide what’s next. So if you were thinking about sharing with your friends or colleagues, now is the time!